Foreign Exchange Turnover Report – April 2011

List of tables

Table 1: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrument

Table 2: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrument and Counterparty

Table 3: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currency

Table 4: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currency Pair

Table 5: Maturities by Instrument and Currency

Table 6a: AUD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currency

Table 6b: USD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currency

Table 6c: EUR Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currency

Table 1: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrumenta,b Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2011 Oct 2010 Change over six months
  US$m US$m US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days (October 2010 calculated on 20 trading days).

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

Outright Spot 47,601 47,364 237 1
Outright Forwards 12,774 8,743 4,031 46
FX Swaps 149,640 130,529 19,111 15
Currency Swaps 5,623 7,940 −2,316 −29
OTC Options 3,445 1,782 1,662 93
TOTAL TURNOVER 219,084 196,359 22,725 12

Table 2: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Instrument and Counterpartya,b Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2011 Oct 2010 Change over six months
  US$m US$m US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days (October 2010 calculated on 20 trading days).

b Sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

Outright Spot 47,601 47,364 237 1
Financial Institutions - Local 7,859 6,398 1,461 23
Financial Institutions - Overseas 32,953 34,337 −1,384 −4
Non-financial Institutions - Local 5,074 4,399 675 15
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 1,716 2,231 −515 −23
Outright Forwards 12,774 8,743 4,031 46
Financial Institutions - Local 3,852 2,712 1,140 42
Financial Institutions - Overseas 6,901 4,535 2,366 52
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,434 1,227 208 17
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 587 270 317 117
FX Swaps 149,640 130,529 19,111 15
Financial Institutions - Local 29,166 26,128 3,038 12
Financial Institutions - Overseas 115,043 101,258 13,786 14
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,509 1,142 366 32
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 3,922 2,001 1,921 96
Currency Swaps 5,623 7,940 −2,316 −29
Financial Institutions - Local 855 1,106 −251 −23
Financial Institutions - Overseas 4,508 6,707 −2,199 −33
Non-financial Institutions - Local 150 70 79 113
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 111 56 55 97
OTC Options 3,445 1,782 1,662 93
Financial Institutions - Local 322 179 143 80
Financial Institutions - Overseas 2,586 1,346 1,240 92
Non-financial Institutions - Local 285 189 96 51
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 251 69 183 266

Table 3: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currencya Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2011 Proportion of Totalb Oct 2010 Proportion of Totalb
  US$m % US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days (October 2010 calculated on 20 trading days).

b Proportions sum to 200% as there are two currencies involved in each transaction.

AUD 118,670 54 100,512 51
USD 200,719 92 180,548 92
EUR 33,008 15 34,614 18
OTHER CURRENCIES 85,772 39 77,043 39
TOTAL 219,084   196,359  

Table 4: Foreign Exchange Turnover by Currency Paira Daily average (US$m)
  Apr 2011 Proportion of Total Oct 2010 Proportion of Total
  US$m % US$m %
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days (October 2010 calculated on 20 trading days).

b Totals may not sum due to rounding.

AUD/USD 106,689 49 90,271 46
AUD/EUR 3,382 2 3,364 2
AUD/JPY 3,257 1 2,340 1
AUD/GBP 1,836 1 1,617 1
AUD/CHF 248 0 182 0
AUD/CAD 604 0 598 0
AUD/NZD 1,563 1 1,487 1
AUD/SEK 95 0 44 0
AUD/OTHER ASIAN 797 0 433 0
AUD/OTHER 137 0 126 0
EUR/USD 25,777 12 27,842 14
USD/JPY 16,157 7 18,665 10
USD/GBP 9,962 5 13,607 7
USD/CHF 1,875 1 1,044 1
USD/CAD 5,263 2 4,473 2
USD/NZD 21,082 10 14,479 7
USD/SEK 707 0 695 0
USD/OTHER ASIAN 10,531 5 6,160 3
USD/OTHER 2,266 1 2,875 1
EUR/JPY 1,212 1 936 0
EUR/GBP 1,340 1 1,115 1
EUR/CHF 412 0 208 0
EUR/CAD 134 0 170 0
EUR/NZD 264 0 243 0
EUR/SEK 122 0 133 0
EUR/OTHER ASIAN 107 0 148 0
EUR/OTHER 167 0 314 0
TOTALb 219,084   196,359  

Table 5: Maturities by Instrument and Currencya,b Daily average (US$m)
  Seven days or less Seven days to 1 year Over 1 year
  US$m US$m US$m
a Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days.

b Totals may not sum due to rounding.

c ‘Against USD’ excludes AUD/USD turnover; 'Against EUR' excludes AUD/EUR and EUR/USD turnover.

Outright Forwards 4,352 8,820 342
Against AUD 2,717 4,584 139
Against USDc 1,497 4,071 203
Against EURc 94 99 0
FX Swaps 118,317 53,778 409
Against AUD 61,362 37,696 232
Against USDc 56,605 15,571 177
Against EURc 170 214 0
Currency Swaps 40 1,155 4,915
Against AUD 40 1,068 2,373
Against USDc 0 87 2,542
Against EURc 0 0 0
OTC Options 864 2,568 152
Against AUD 482 1,708 114
Against USDc 322 824 35
Against EURc 48 26 2

Table 6a: AUD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currencya,b Daily average (US$m)
  AUD Against
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days.

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

Outright Spot 14,901 1,433 1,318 951 158 377 1,055 61 371 34 96 20,755
Financial Institutions - Local 2,821 198 220 105 25 46 214 5 49 1 5 3,689
Financial Institutions - Overseas 8,409 512 937 569 100 233 648 38 106 7 12 11,571
Non-financial Institutions - Local 3,307 704 129 267 29 91 156 18 215 25 79 5,020
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 364 19 31 9 5 7 37 0 1 0 0 475
Outright Forwards 4,701 770 520 534 54 159 162 24 245 19 29 7,216
Financial Institutions - Local 1,592 458 301 212 28 75 38 15 148 11 18 2,896
Financial Institutions - Overseas 2,046 199 171 253 15 47 95 7 75 5 3 2,915
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,004 110 42 65 10 36 21 2 22 3 8 1,324
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 59 3 6 4 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 81
FX Swaps 82,452 990 1,260 309 36 49 194 11 150 9 11 85,470
Financial Institutions - Local 17,569 125 73 105 3 10 59 1 23 0 1 17,969
Financial Institutions - Overseas 62,166 747 922 131 29 17 84 1 94 5 1 64,197
Non-financial Institutions - Local 1,079 84 78 44 3 20 35 8 34 4 1 1,390
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 1,638 34 187 29 0 1 17 0 0 0 8 1,914
Currency Swaps 2,881 97 4 16 0 10 1 0 21 0 0 3,031
Financial Institutions - Local 754 14 4 13 0 10 1 0 20 0 0 816
Financial Institutions - Overseas 1,871 81 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,954
Non-financial Institutions - Local 148 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 110
OTC Options 1,754 92 155 27 0 10 151 0 9 0 2 2,199
Financial Institutions - Local 196 3 1 0 0 0 14 0 1 0 0 215
Financial Institutions - Overseas 1,169 83 136 25 0 9 135 0 7 0 2 1,567
Non-financial Institutions - Local 277 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 282
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 111 4 17 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 135
Total AUD Turnover 106,689 3,382 3,257 1,836 248 604 1,563 95 797 61 137 118,670

Table 6b: USD Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currencya,b,c Daily average (US$m)
  USD Against
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days.

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

c USD turnover excludes AUD/USD turnover.

Outright Spot 7,212 3,209 2,379 698 1,462 2,271 75 3,585 62 721 21,673
Financial Institutions - Local 994 587 366 152 189 347 11 694 10 128 3,478
Financial Institutions - Overseas 5,863 2,462 1,938 530 1,233 1,866 61 2,562 42 508 17,066
Non-financial Institutions - Local 16 7 1 0 4 1 0 5 0 2 37
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 339 152 73 15 35 57 3 323 10 83 1,092
Outright Forwards 675 395 377 79 132 384 47 2,872 21 285 5,267
Financial Institutions - Local 128 73 108 10 15 28 6 463 1 47 880
Financial Institutions - Overseas 500 313 238 67 105 331 40 1,998 19 195 3,806
Non-financial Institutions - Local 18 3 23 1 3 8 0 20 0 3 78
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 30 6 8 0 9 18 0 392 0 41 504
FX Swaps 17,412 10,090 7,096 1,040 3,619 18,228 576 3,867 326 1,093 63,348
Financial Institutions - Local 3,280 1,120 2,224 164 775 2,005 144 996 118 318 11,144
Financial Institutions - Overseas 13,571 8,893 4,738 791 2,809 15,182 402 2,802 207 741 50,137
Non-financial Institutions - Local 35 36 15 2 13 7 0 6 1 0 116
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 526 40 120 82 22 1,034 30 63 0 33 1,951
Currency Swaps 124 2,263 13 40 23 43 9 16 0 63 2,593
Financial Institutions - Local 15 0 0 0 0 13 0 10 0 0 39
Financial Institutions - Overseas 109 2,263 13 40 23 29 9 5 0 63 2,554
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
OTC Options 354 201 97 19 27 157 0 191 0 104 1,149
Financial Institutions - Local 5 27 7 0 1 10 0 20 0 1 70
Financial Institutions - Overseas 306 172 88 12 21 129 0 137 0 95 961
Non-financial Institutions - Local 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 40 2 2 7 5 17 0 34 0 7 114
Total USD Turnoverc 25,777 16,157 9,962 1,875 5,263 21,082 707 10,531 410 2,266 94,030

Table 6c: EUR Turnover by Instrument, Counterparty and Currencya,b,c Daily average (US$m)
  EUR Against  
a Adjusted for reporting dealer double counting. Daily average for April 2011 calculated on 18 trading days.

b Totals and sub-totals may not sum due to rounding.

c EUR turnover excludes AUD/EUR and EUR/USD turnover.

d Grand total is the sum of AUD turnover (Table 6a), USD turnover (Table 6b), EUR turnover (Table 6c) and Residuals (Table 6c).

Outright Spot 1,016 1,121 386 102 167 100 99 80 156 3,227 1,946 47,601
Financial Institutions - Local 71 183 73 27 60 4 1 11 6 436 256 7,859
Financial Institutions - Overseas 891 921 307 73 105 87 96 57 137 2,674 1,641 32,953
Non-financial Institutions - Local 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 5,074
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 48 14 3 3 1 9 2 11 13 105 44 1,716
Outright Forwards 80 30 19 23 12 1 7 6 10 187 104 12,774
Financial Institutions - Local 12 4 2 8 5 0 6 0 2 40 36 3,852
Financial Institutions - Overseas 50 22 12 14 6 0 1 6 8 119 62 6,901
Non-financial Institutions - Local 18 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 27 5 1,434
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 587
FX Swaps 77 161 7 8 79 21 0 6 0 360 462 149,640
Financial Institutions - Local 2 23 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 31 22 29,166
Financial Institutions - Overseas 75 125 4 4 65 21 0 6 0 300 410 115,043
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1,509
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 1 14 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 27 30 3,922
Currency Swaps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,623
Financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 855
Financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,508
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111
OTC Options 39 29 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 75 22 3,445
Financial Institutions - Local 23 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 29 7 322
Financial Institutions - Overseas 16 29 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 45 13 2,586
Non-financial Institutions - Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 285
Non-financial Institutions - Overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 251
Total EUR Turnoverc 1,212 1,340 412 134 264 122 107 92 167 3,849 2,535 219,084